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Mohsen HazratiIR/DE

Mohsen Hazrati<sup>IR/DE</sup>
Mohsen HazratiIR/DE

Mohsen Hazrati (b. 1987 in Shiraz, Iran) lives and works in Berlin. His works focus on Literature and digital technologies, he won the first prize in the VR ART Prize Germany, and his works have been presented at various conferences and universities such as; CPDP Brussels, Udk Berlin, abk- Stuttgart, UCL mal London, IAM Weekend Barcelona, ELO University of Central Florida, EVA London, BAU Barcelona, etc. and exhibited by HAL Berlin, SOMA Berlin, NFT NYC, Art Basel Miami, Art Dubai, ARS Electronica, Triennale Fellbach, Grafikenshus Museum, EIGENHEIM Gallery, IMPAKT festival, Telematic Media Arts San Francisco, Barbara Thumm Gallery Berlin, Espronceda Barcelona, CCCC Museum Valencia, CCCB Museum Barcelona, and more.

Across different mythologies, birds symbolize cycles of rebirth, inner and outer journeys, healing, and prophecy. In this work, Hazrati explores how digital messaging can take alternative shapes and forms drawing on elements from fantasy and legends. The sculpture is a database of information where each bird feather represents a wish, submitted to the AR piece in the Grafikens Hus museum application.
*The project is commissioned by Grafikens Hus Museum in Sweden, as part of the app Protoworld.
