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Line KatchoCA/QC

Line Katcho<sup>CA/QC</sup>
Line KatchoCA/QC
Play 1

05.04 | 5:00 pm_11:00 pm
5:00 pm

Dome Live 2

05.04 | 10:00 pm_10:45 pm

Line Katcho is a composer and audio-visual artist from Montréal. Primarily interested in sound and image as demonstrations of motion, forces or gestures, she also distinguishes herself through an affinity for perceptual games, and a talent for use of affect. Radiating a narrative and cinematic feel, her work is driven and provocative, fusing reference to abstraction, experimentation to tradition. Leaning towards a mixing of styles, genres and applied methods, her approach aims at creating a sensory and cathartic experience rooted in expression.

Montreal-based composer and audio-visual artist, Line Katcho’s primary interest is in sound and image as demonstrations of motion, forces, or gestures, she also distinguishes herself through an affinity for perceptual games and a talent for the use of effect. Her creative vision and boundless inventiveness will produce a sound at MUTEK.AE that will be both alluring and thought-provoking leaving a lasting impression on all who witnessed her captivating artistry.